Book Review: But It's Not My Fault

Author: Julia Cook
Illustrator: Anita DuFalla

From the Book Jacket: My name is Norman David Edwards..but everybody calls me "Noodle." Sometimes things happen to me that get me into trouble. "But it's not my fault!" 

Poor Noodle. Things just don't seem to be going his way. But it's not his fault! The first book in the Responsible Me series follows Noodle through a very rough day at school. It just isn't his fault that his brother's game ran late and he didn't finish his homework. Or that his mom forgot to remind him to turn in his library book. Or that Mary Gold got in his airspace and hit his arm with her head. Luckily, Noodle's mom is there to teach him about the importance of accepting responsibility. Noodle learns: "You are responsible for the things that you do. For your choices at home and your choices at school!"

Why It's On My Bookshelf: I've been looking for more books to support our school expectations. One of those expectations is "Be Responsible." But It's Not My Fault is going to be a great read aloud in those first few weeks of school. It gives a lot of examples of blaming others when we don't make good decisions and how it impacts not just us but the whole community. I highly recommend this awesome book and if you want to introduce better discussion around accepting responsibility and build this skill in kids. 

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Book Review: Grandpa's Stories - A Book of Remembering

Author: Joseph Coelho 
Illustrator: Allison Colpoys

From the Book Jacket: There's nothing more special than spending time with Grandpa...exploring fields and parks, fixing up old toys, and -- best of all -- listening to Grandpa's stories. But, this year, a loving granddaughter needs to say goodbye to her favorite relative. How will she keep Grandpa's memory alive when he is no longer there? An honest and poetic depiction of loss, Grandpa's stories shows how losing a loved one can be an invitation to celebrate life. 

Why It's On My Bookshelf: This was a nice book to share with our daughter. She talks a lot about her great grandma who is no longer with us and it allowed her to see grief through another child's eyes. Kids grieve differently than adults and I think having resources around to help ease their sadness can bring comfort. Glad I picked this one up!

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Book Review: Growing Season

Author/Illustrator: Maryann Cocca-Leffler

From the Book Jacket: Best friends El and Jo are the smallest students in their class. Even their names are short. But in springtime, something BIG happens. Jo starts sprouting like a weed! El feels smaller every day. At the end of the school year, their teacher tells everyone to take a flowering plant home and care for it over the summer. At first, El is disappointed that she ends up with an aster, which is looking less than promising. Then as the growing season progresses, something wonderful happens...

Why It's On My Bookshelf: I really loved this sweet story. El is very worried that because her friend had a growth spurt they would not have anything in common now. El is shortern now which starts to make her feel a little different. The ending shows the changes didn't harm their relationship, the friendship remains the same and continues to grow and blossom (and so does she!). 

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