Book Review: Honeysmoke - A Story of Finding Your Color

Author: Moniue Fields
Illustrator: Yesenia Moises

From the Book Jacket: Simone asks Mama, "Am I black or white?" "Boo," Mama says, just like mamas do, "a color is just a word." She asks Daddy, "Am I black or white?"

A young girl looks around her world to find her place in it. Her skin color is not like anyone else's, so what is her color? She finally chooses her own, and creates a new word: honeysmoke. For multiracial children, and for all children, this story offers a universal message that empowers young people to create their own identity. 

Simone knows her color. She is Honeysmoke. 

Why It's On My Bookshelf: This is a beautiful book about finding your OWN category and self-identity. Simone is struggling to figure out how to identify herself because her mother is black and her father is white. She wants to tell her own story based on how she sees herself. Loved this book and have started seeing it more in teacher's classrooms. It's what kids need! 

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Book Review: Rain Boy

Author/Illustrator: Dylan Glynn

From the Book Jacket: Rain Boy is not very popular. Wherever he goes he brings wet. But everyone loves Sun Kidd, who brings sunshine. Only Sun Kidd sees what's special about Rain Boy. But when she invites him to her birthday party, disaster strikes, and Rain Boy storms. Will the other kids ever appreciate Rain Boy for being himself? Can Rain boy learn to love his rain? This is a story with all the emotions of the rainbow and about isolation, individuality, and self-love. 

Why It's On My Bookshelf: This one is full of messages about including others, standing up for someone being bullied, and self-love. I think it would be a great community builder to help start relationships out with kindness. Everyone brings something a little different to the group. Lets teach kids to appreciate those qualities that are unique and special. Love this one!

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Book Review: Together We Grow

Author: Susan Vaught
Illustrator: Kelly Murphy

From the Book Jacket: A storm drives all the farm animals indoors except for a lonely fox family. The barn isn't there home. But where will they go for safety? Can the animals come together despite their differences. Together We Grow explores the power of compassion and kindness. 

Why It's On My Bookshelf: Such a wonderful picture book that explores themes of acceptance and belonging. It's really a must read that celebrates inclusivity, acceptance, and the importance of rebuilding a community in the wake of disaster. 

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