Book Review: Let Me Finish!

Author: Minh Le 
Illustrator: Isabel Roxas
Interest Level: Ages and Up

From the Book Jacket: When our young hero settles in to read, the last thing he wants is for some noisy animals to ruin the ending of the story. But ruin it they do. And as it turns out, the boy is quickly approaching a surprise ending of his own! Maybe he should have listened to the animals after all...

Why It's On My Bookshelf: I think this serves as a great social skills lesson to students. I'm always on the hunt for books that might give a perspective about showing respect when someone is trying to learn or is engaged in a task. Every time the boy in the book tries to read he is interrupted. He becomes QUITE agitated. I see this as a great teaching tool in the classroom. As a community we want to teach students to be aware of how our behavior and actions are impacting others. If someone is trying to learn - be respectful. The ending is to the book is a bit silly but the lesson is CLEAR in the story. Excited to have something new to use when teaching listening skills. 

A Link to This Book and Others You Might Find Helpful: 

Book Review: Always Remember

Author: Cece Meng
Illustrator: Jago
Interest Level: Ages 3 and Up

From the Book Jacket: After Old Turtle swims his last swim and breathes his last breath, and the waves gently take him away, his friends lovingly remember how he impacted each and every one of them. As the sea animals think back on how much better Old Turtle made their lives and their world, they realize that he is not truly gone, because his memory and legacy will last forever. This is a picture book that will comfort those who have lost a loved one. 

Why It's On My Bookshelf: This is definitely at the top of my list for books to assist children with grief. It really focuses on what a wonderful life Old Turtle had because he was such a generous and loving soul. We can be sad when we lose someone but also be so comforted by all of our positive interactions and encounters we had with them. I kept thinking of the word "cherish" as we read each page. 

I love the last page: 
He was a wonderful teacher and friend. 
He loved to laugh and have fun. 
He explored the unknown and discovered great things. 
He showed kindness and strength. 
And he made his world a better place. 
When he was done, the ocean took him back. 
But what he left behind was only the beginning.

This is a very helpful resource and I'm so happy to have it on my shelf. 

A Link to This Book and Others You Might Find Useful: 

Book Review: Some Bunny To Talk To - A Story About Going to Therapy

Authors: Cheryl Sterling, Paola Conte, and Larissa Labay
Illustrator: Tiphanie Beeke
Interest Level: Ages 4-8

From the Book Jacket: Little Bunny has a problem and he doesn't know how to solve it. Sometimes things in a little bunny's life can feel so hard. So Big Bunny has an idea. 

"I have an idea. I'd like you to talk to Some Bunny. Some Bunny is a therapist."

Some Bunny To Talk To presents therapy in a way that is simple, direct, and easy for young children to understand. Children will hear about what to expect from therapy and how therapists are very good at helping kids to solve problems. They will learn about the ins and outs of therapy and that therapy can be a positive and helpful experience!

Why It's On My Bookshelf: How do you tell your child they are going to see a therapist? Well this book is a great opening to that conversation. It's very concrete and positive. It talks about why you would go see a counselor, how long you will be there for, and what activities you might do. It also emphasizes it's a place where you can feel safe and solve problems. Excellent! I especially like the note to parents and caregivers at the end of the story. It gives great tips on how to support children in therapy so their experience is healing and helpful. 

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