Book Review: A Whale of a Mistake

Author/Illustrator: Ioana Hobai

From the Book Jacket: When you make a really, really big mistake, it can make you feel stuck or weigh you down or even swallow you whole! After a girl is carried away by her whale of a mistake, she feels adrift. What if she can't escape and the whale swims out to sea with her forever? What if this is her life now? But as her journey continues, the world around her, including a sky of shooting stars and even the whale itself, helps her explore all the feelings that come with making mistakes and learning to let them go. 

Why It's On My Bookshelf: This is a great book about not letting your mistake control or stop you from what you are trying to accomplish. The little girl in the story feels she can never escape her terrible mistake. Eventually she is brave enough to let it go and she watches it fade away. This is a terrific message for children to validate the feelings that come with a mistake but to encourage them to move on from their mistake. We are not our mistakes!

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Book Review: Words Are Like Faces

Author: Edith Baer
Illustrator: Kyra Teis

From the Book Jacket: Edith Baer's playful, yet thought provoking rhyming poem, coupled with Kyra Teis' colorful illustrations, captures the significance of words in everyday life. Although the couplets are easy to memorize and lucid, the underlying meaning conveys the role of language in building a human community, which connects, informs and nurtures through dialogue.

Why It's On My Bookshelf: Absolutely love this wonderful and simple book about the power of our words. Favorite page in this book reminds us to be careful with our words, for they can't be unsaid. Lets be mindful of our language and encourage each other to express ourselves in a healthy way. 

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Book Review: Don't Worry Little Crab

Author/Illustrator: Chris Haughton

From the Book Jacket: Little Crab and Very Big Crab live in a tiny tide pool, and today they are off to the OCEAN! "This is going to be so great!" says Little Crab. But when they get there, the waves are HUGE! And they keep getting bigger...and bigger! "Maybe we should go home," says Little Crab. "Don't worry," says Very Big Crab. "I'm here."

But will Little Crab be brave enough to face the waves and go in the ocean?

Why It's On My Bookshelf: This has a really straight forward message of not giving into our fears. When we quit something because of a worry we don't just miss out on life but we don't gain the skills we need to overcome anxiety. So lets be brave! Great book!

Book Trailer:

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